Allies Pharma

Manufacturer Name
Allies Pharma
Manufacturer Address
206, 2nd Floor, Amarvijay Tower, Near Hotel Mansingh, Sansarchandra Road, Jaipur 302001.

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All Brands From Allies Pharma

Click on Prescription information to see Indications ( Uses ), Contraindications, Prescription information of respective Constituents.

Brand Name Manufacturer Unit/Price Package unit/Price Constituents/Unit
Tablet Alixime (200 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Tablet
₹ 19.90
10 Tablet
₹ 199.00
  • More Information Cefixime 200 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Tablet Leo (500 mg) (Allies Pharma) Allies Pharma 1 Tablet
    ₹ 8.90
    10 Tablet
    ₹ 89.00
  • More Information Levofloxacin 500 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Tablet L Zin (5 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Tablet
    ₹ 3.30
    10 Tablet
    ₹ 33.00
  • More Information Levocetirizine 5 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Injection Mypan (40 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Vial
    ₹ 59.50
    1 Vial
    ₹ 59.50
  • More Information Pantoprazole Sodium Sesquihydrate 40 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Tablet Ofexa (200 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Tablet
    ₹ 5.90
    10 Tablet
    ₹ 59.00
  • More Information Ofloxacin 200 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Injection Traxo (1000 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Vial
    ₹ 79.00
    1 Vial
    ₹ 79.00
  • More Information Ceftriaxone Sodium 1000 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Injection Traxo (250 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Vial
    ₹ 32.50
    1 Vial
    ₹ 32.50
  • More Information Ceftriaxone Sodium 250 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Injection Traxo (500 mg) Allies Pharma 1 Vial
    ₹ 49.00
    1 Vial
    ₹ 49.00
  • More Information Ceftriaxone Sodium 500 mg
  • See Brands having above combination
    Tablet Tulide P (100+500) Allies Pharma 1 Tablet
    ₹ 2.90
    10 Tablet
    ₹ 29.00
  • More Information Paracetamol 500 mg
  • More Information Nimesulide 100 mg
  • See Brands having above combination